A bit about me...
As my Dad says, I love life (especially in Winchester).
I love life and I love people - people enjoying life.
A psychologist by degree and marketeer by profession, I love understanding what makes people tick. And now, having hung up my corporate cloak to work quite literally, hands on with people as a Pilates teacher, I'm enjoying helping people to move more freely, more comfortably, not just on the mat, but in their everyday functional movements.
For me, Pilates is a long term strategy - mobilising each and every single joint in the body, strengthening, stablising and of course, controlling movement.
I hope you grow to enjoy it as much as I do....

Originally from Northern Ireland, I'm Mum to three rascals , currently 3, 9 and 10. I'm also wife to Robin, a busy Dentist and together we run a Dental Practice together in Southampton.
He's yet to find out I take two sugars in my tea.
He does however know about my abnormal Mars Bar fascination; perhap's its an Northern Irish thing.
I have had one natural birth and three ceasarian sections, one of which was an emergency section. Two children were born at 42 weeks. This, together with lifting, hanging over cots, pushing prams, chasing scooters, felt like they have all taken their toll on my body which at times has felt pulled in every direction.
Pilates continues to make a huge difference for me - helping to gently knit my core back together. I've come to realise that from a Pilates perspective, the big curve in my long lower back, accentuated by pregnancy, isn't quite as desirable as the media leads us to believe. Pilates is helping me to re-adjust my pelvis position for better spinal placement - i'm hoping that this will prevent lower back pain occuring later in life.

I've always enjoyed sports and fitness.
Hockey was 'my thing' througout school and University, captaining various teams and clubs along the way. I suspect my knack for slicing the ball into the back of the goals is now the cause of my downfall in my short game in golf.
Rotation in the upper spine really help with both of these sports.
I've also enjoyed kickboxing (Green belt), spinning, and in my very early years I used to compete for my school in cross country racing, 800m and 100m sprints. I 'need' to get back into running again.
Pilates has been something I've been drawn to having seen first hand with close family the importance of keeping joints moving in the body. How, for example, poor posture and rounded shoulders can make apparently straightforward tasks like putting on coats unbearably difficult. For too long I had been carrying myself badly, following uninformed advice. Pilates has opened my eyes to this and I whole heartedly believe in how beneficial it is to the body and the way we should move in general.