Pilates is for EVERY BODY!
People come to the mat for lots of different reasons. Perhaps you can relate:
You're fit, active and healthy and would like to lengthen and strengthen muscles and improve the health of your joints.
Perhaps you sit for long times, in a car or at a computer, bending/twisting over people
You're keen to look after your body and understand the importance of doing so.
You'd like to improve your posture?
You're a hardcore sports person and would like to enhance your form, power and performance?
You once were a hardcore sportsperson and there are parts of your body which need a little TLC....
You have an 'old and cold' injury which Pilates will help to improve. (Medical approval required)
Perhaps you have an injury and have been referred by a Doctor or Physiotherapist?
You're 18 or over... all ages welcome, men and women, anyone who can move.
You'd like to meet new people/try something different.
You're having a baby/you've had your baby
(Antenatal/Postnatal Pilates:)
You're pregnant - you'd like to meet other soon-to-be Mums, whilst looking after your body and baby, preparing for birth and the physical demands which Motherhood brings.
You've had your baby, been given the medical nod of approval to return to exercise, and you want to do some gentle work to strengthen your abdominal area back up. Perhaps you're finding adjusting to the physical strains of motherhood challenging - bending over cots, pushing prams up hilly Winchester or carrying your baby in a sling. We'll look at each of those things and find alternative ways of coping.
Perhaps you had a caesarean section and are a little apprehensive about your core. I've been there too and can give you lots of hints and tips to gently help. We suggest you leave it until week 12 until you come to class (medical approval).
You'd like to meet other Mums with babies at our friendly Mother and Baby postnatal classes.
Please note that my postnatal and antenatal classes are currently on hold.
Please contact Liz Knowles, Winchester Wellness or Octavia Hamilton for other great Pilates options, or Gemma Nash Yoga for amazing Pregnancy Yoga classes.
It's worth noting....
Pilates is a very precise exercise - it requires deep concentration and great proprioception. Pilates is about the quality - not necessarily the range of movement. It's being in complete control of that movement - isolating the movement and ultimately ensuring every single other area in the body remains stable and still so the targeted areas can be optimally mobilised. To many people, it may initially appear easy and straight forward - I can assure you, finding those connections and the precise area requiring attention without compromising anywhere else in the body, takes a surprising amount of effort. A helping hand from a good teacher will open your eyes to this.
We welcome everyone (18 years plus).
Finally, like with all exercise regimes, we suggest you seek medical approval before commencing anything new. Sometimes written consent may be requested.

me: 33 weeks pregnant (with number 1)